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P_GE 44

2016, Palllasades [Shauna Wilkinson] x Laurence Sterne

Based around Page 44 in The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentlemen, Page 44 (stylised as P_GE 44) is a digital format book designed specifically to explore the idea of creating confusion and working in a fragmented manner through a self-reflexive structure and medium of repetition. Featuring heavy use of Spanish translations and repeated phrases, it explores how information is presented in a digital age, and also aims to reflect the disjointed structure of the original book.

Digitally the book is quite difficult to read; the individual pages are available to view through clicking the hyperlinks hidden within the front cover on the homepage of the website; the viewer is required to interact with the front image in order to discover each link.

The book is comprised of 10 pages and a cover, which is the only page of the book to be physically printed and to exist outside of a digital gif format. Page 44 as a complete book exists in the real world as a QR code contained within a box featuring the detachable cover, which stands alone as it's own piece of artwork.

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